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Featured Blogs

23 June 2023

Navigating the Information Age: The Skills Framework You Need

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the Information Age, traditional job roles and skill requirements are continually being reshaped. As technology advances, businesses digitaliz[...]

18 March 20243

The Essential Role of the Brand, Transactional, and Psychological Contracts

Creating an experience where employees feels valued, engaged, and motivated is essential for any organization that wants to retain, and attract top[...]

7 March 2024

Unlocking Your Potential: A Guide to Setting SMART Goals

Writing specific goals is crucial for effective goal-setting, ensuring clarity and focus, and facilitating the measurement of progress and[...]

23 June 2023

How SkillsTX and SFIA help me excel in my role

I started working as a Customer Success Manager at SkillsTX in June 2022. Using the SkillsTX platform to assess my current skills and compare them against[...]

Prem Singh's positive outlook and ability to handle complex conversations have helped underpin SkillsTX growth. Proud to say that he's an invaluable asset to SkillsTX. His ability to quickly acquire knowledge and become an expert in the implementation of the SFIA and SkillsTX, as well as his passion to make a powerful impact has been a backbone in building some major customer success stories. Prem's enthusiasm in building and managing great client relationships, together with embedding a deep sense of trust with them, has gone a long way in building our class leading Customer Success approach.

Paul Collins

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